Software Guru Marianne Bellotti Doesn’t Have Time for Big Tech’s BS
For Women’s History Month, No Starch Press is spotlighting the contributions and individual achievements that female authors have made in the world of tech and on our bookshelves. This week, the focus is on software engineer extraordinaire and legacy-systems expert Marianne Bellotti (@bellmar). Her new book, Kill It with Fire (April 2021), reflects her internationally known work […]
Tech Entreprenerd Tracy Osborn Wants Women to Know What They’re Worth (and Ask For a Raise!)
For Women’s History Month, No Starch Press is spotlighting the contributions and individual achievements that female authors have made in the world of tech and on our bookshelves. Each week we’ll shine your attention on just a few of these remarkable women in tech – along with a 30% discount on their books. Use promo code WOMEN30 at checkout! […]
Engineer Angel Sola Explains How Math is in Everything (Including Beer)
For Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month, we’ve been spotlighting some of our favorite math/stats books – and the brilliant number ninjas who write them. As we enter the final week of #MathStatMonth, our focus is on software engineer and author Angel Sola Orbaiceta, whose new book, Hardcore Programming for Mechanical Engineers, comes out in June (and is available […]
Just Say No to SOPA
Here we go again. First it was the DMCA. Now it’s SOPA, and this time it’s probably worse. I get it: There are many sites based in countries like Russia and China that have made it their business to sell pirated content. Honestly, I’m not that bothered by sites that deliver pirated content for free […]
The Cult of LEGO is the BIG Winner!
We had a welcome surprise the other day when we learned that The Cult of LEGO won both the Wild Card category and the Grand Prize at the 2012 San Francisco Book Festival. The judges are book experts, and the grand prize winner is selected based on its popular appeal and the authors’ passion for their story. According […]
Fewer, Better Books
We offer our authors a choice of royalties — from 12 to 15 percent. Most choose the 12 percent option but many still take 15 percent. Several of our technical titles have sold well over 20,000 copies but we’ve also had the rare title sell in the 2-3,000 copy range. That is definitely rare and […]
The Very First No Starch Press Book: The Book of SCSI
It’s January of 1995. Boyz II Men have the #1 hit song, Braveheart is in theaters, and Dr. Martens are à la mode. No Starch Press has just published its very first book of all time, The Book of SCSI: A Guide for Adventurers. The guide was a meticulously researched comprehensive SCSI resource that featured […]
Lay-Flat Bindings: The What And How
You may have noticed that the spines of your No Starch Press books, even the ones you use most, stay free of creases. That’s because we pay extra to have our books bound with premium lay-flat bindings. Most No Starch books (with the exception of hard backs, some older books, and a very few print-on-demand […]
Using the Raspberry Pi for Educators
Dan Aldred is the author of Raspberry Pi Home Hacks, scheduled for release later this year, and the creator of the TeCoEd website, which contains free resources for teaching computer education. He is a computer science teacher, a freelance resource writer, a hacker, and a champion of the Raspberry Pi. He was kind enough to create this […]
CS Curriculum Developer Sam Taylor Drops Some Knowledge
For Women’s History Month, No Starch Press is spotlighting the contributions and individual achievements that female authors have made in the world of tech and on our bookshelves. Throughout the month we’ll shine your attention on these remarkable women in tech—along with a 30% discount on all their books. We’ll also be posting a special Q&A […]