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We’re happy to consider academic requests on select titles from qualified educators. Please refer to our policies below for further instructions, and submit using the below form:

Examination/Desk copy request form

Examination copy policy:
Examination copies are provided for review purposes to teachers, college professors, or instructors considering texts for course adoption. Please fill out the form above, providing your contact information, the course name and number, when it will be taught, and the anticipated enrollment size. Please note we primarily offer digital copies for review.

Desk copy policy:
Desk copies are available in limited quantities for adopted No Starch Press books on course reading lists. For every twenty new books ordered by your store from a distributor, we will be happy to provide one print copy.

To request a desk copy of one of our titles, please fill out the form above, providing your contact information, the course name and number, when it will be taught, the enrollment size, and your mailing address then email academic@nostarch.com with a copy of your bookstore’s order for the adopted title.

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