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About No Starch Press eBooks

What Is an eBook Bundle?

Most of our titles are available as an eBook bundle containing PDF, MOBI, and EPUB files. If the bundle you download is a compressed (ZIP) file, you will need to uncompress it before you can view the files that it contains. (The process will vary by operating system but you should be able to easily find directions online.) Once uncompressed you should have access to all three formats.

By the way, we consider the entire eBook bundle and the files it contains to be one entity. The eBook bundle will always contain a PDF but it may also contain MOBI and EPUB files. That means your rights in the eBooks that you purchase from us apply to the bundle as a whole, not to each file in the bundle separately. Please think of the eBook bundle as the equivalent of a printed book. We do.

How Do I Receive My PDF or eBook Bundle?

When you purchase a PDF or eBook bundle, a download link should appear in the Files section of your account, and you should receive an email notification telling you that your files are ready to download. Just log in to your account on our site, and you should be able to access your No Starch Press library from any computer, for life. If you have problems downloading your eBook files, please call us at +1 415.863.9900 (Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm PST) or email info@nostarch.com

Are All Books Available in eBook Format?

Most of our books are available in eBook format. Some are available as PDF only and, unfortunately, some are not available in eBook format at all. This is usually for one of two reasons:

  • The book is graphics-heavy, resulting in a very large PDF which converts to a huge reflowable EPUB or MOBI document. Books like these may be available as PDF only.
  • The book’s author has chosen not to sell the title electronically.

We are continuing to work to find a way to offer our more graphics-heavy books in eBook formats other than PDF.

What’s an EPUB or MOBI file, and Why Should I Care?

You should be able to read PDFs on any operating system using a number of applications including viewers built into Internet browsers. You should be able to read our EPUB files on the Kindle, iPhone and iPad, iBooks, Nook, Kobo, and on the Mac OS, PC, and Linux operating systems. You should also be able to view EPUB and MOBI ebooks using desktop software like Calibre (https://calibre-ebook.com/).

How Do I Get My eBooks on My Mobile Device?

All of our eBooks are DRM-free. That means you’re free to load them onto the device of your choice and start reading.

For advice on how to load your files onto your device have a look at these helpful instructions from our friends at Humble Bundle:

  • Android users have multiple ways to view eBook files. You should be able to view PDFs in a tool like Adobe Reader, view MOBI files in the Kindle app. and view EPUB and PDF files in Google Play Books
  • Nook users should be able to view EPUB files
  • Apple iPad, iPhone, iBooks users (IOS) should be able to load EPUB and PDF files
  • Kindle users should be able to use the MOBI file
  • PC users should be able to view any of the three formats using Adobe Reader or a tool like Calibre
  • Kobo users should be able to load EPUB and PDF files to the Kobo eReader by following these directions.

Note: Unfortunately, No Starch Press is unable to provide technical support for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, or any third party hardware or software.

Can I Print My eBook? Share it?

The eBook formats in your eBook bundle (PDF, EPUB, and MOBI files) are DRM-free. We’ve never used DRM because we trust our readers and we believe that readers should have the same rights in eBooks as in printed books.

That said, please be sure that the use of your eBook bundle is consistent with any copyright restrictions placed on your eBook, and consistent with fair use. Almost any personal use of your eBook bundle should be acceptable including making a backup copy, copying to your personal storage (whether local or online), and similar. But making and sharing multiple copies is not playing fair so please don’t. (Posting your eBook files to torrent sites is not playing fair, either. If you have any questions please let us know.)

Like a printed book, you can lend your eBook bundle to a friend as long as you don’t keep any copies of the eBook bundle or the files it contains once you’ve loaned it out.

My eBook Isn’t Rendering Properly!

Unfortunately, as much as we try, we are unable to test every book with every device.

If you are unable to read an EPUB or MOBI file contained in your eBook bundle, you should find that the PDF version of your book renders cleanly. All eBook bundles include PDFs. That said, if you encounter rendering errors please email us at info@nostarch.com with any specific feedback and we’ll do our best to fix the issue.

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